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Tena Identifi Sensor Wear Pants Unisex Medium 80-110cm 1200ml 8276

Tena Identifi Sensor Wear Pants Unisex Medium 80-110cm 1200ml 8276

Tena Pants Super Unisex Medium Proskin 80-110cm 2010ml 793520

Tena Pants Super Unisex Medium Proskin 80-110cm 2010ml 793520

Tena Identifi Sensor Wear Pants Unisex Medium 100-135cm 1200ml 8277

Product Description

TENA Identifi Sensor Wear Pants provides valuable insights into a resident’s need for toileting assistance, products to use and how often to change them.

Comfortable to wear
Collect voiding information without disturbing the resident
Easy to use for the caregiver

Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Tena Identifi Sensor Wear Pants Unisex Medium 100-135cm 1200ml 8277 Each
Tena Identifi Sensor Wear Pants Unisex Medium 100-135cm 1200ml 8277 (Box of 2)

During a 72 h assessment the comfortable TENA Identifi Sensor Wear Pants replaces regular incontinence protection. These disposable products collect information about urine voids through safely integrated and fine thread-like sensors.

• Comfortable to wear
TENA Identifi Sensor Wear Pants is a comfortable and highly absorbent product with safely integrated and fine thread-like sensors

• Collect voiding information without disturbing the resident
TENA Identifi Sensor Wear Pants with an attached TENA Identifi Logger is used for three consecutive days (72 hours) to collect voiding information. TENA Identifi is easily integrated in routines without disturbing the resident.

• Easy to use for the caregiver
For easy use TENA Identifi Sensor Wear Pants is applied as regular incontinence protection. The blue connector in the front supports easy change of TENA Identifi Logger

• A new level of knowledge
With TENA Identifi more precise voiding diaries and evaluation of residents leads to greater confidence in care decisions based on unbiased, detailed data about each individual resident

• Lower incontinence-related costs
Care homes can save on product usage by selecting smaller/fewer incontinence products and optimizing timing of toileting assistance

• Improved continence promotion and incontinence management
TENA Identifi secures the right incontinence product and supports you to find the best time when to change it. TENA Identifi also supports improved continence promotion by securing optimal time for toileting assistance

• Improved individual care
TENA Identifi supports you in providing individual care by basing product selection, best time of changing products and toileting assistance on unbiased, detailed data about each individual resident

• More efficient routines and better utilization of staff
With TENA Identifi, continence assessments are performed faster and more easily than with traditional manual methods. By finding the best time for changing incontinence products and the optimal time for toileting assistance – staff time can be better utilized

• Easier documentation of care quality
TENA Identifi is a system, which provides you with automatic documentation related to care quality through its reports

• Lower incontinence-related workload and more time for more rewarding care
The stress and strain on caregivers and nurses are lower when doing a TENA Identifi assessment, which is performed faster and more easily than using manual methods. Time saved related to changing incontinence products can be used for more rewarding care as providing toileting assistance.

• Improved comfort with the right products
By having the right product which is changed when needed and getting toileting assistance, the comfort for the resident is increased. Less leakage and skin irritation as well as better night’s sleep are likely effects.

• Greater confidence and independency
Customized toileting routines, developed based on the TENA Identifi report can improve the confidence and independency of the resident.